Psychological Assessment

Assessments can help you and your therapist and/or psychiatrist ensure you are receiving the appropriate treatment for your mental health concerns. For instance, autism, bipolar-like disorders, personality disorders, and psychotic disorders are oftentimes difficult to diagnose appropriately and call for a psychological assessment for diagnostic clarification. Assessments are oftentimes also used for hiring first responders or assessing if a psychological injury was due to a workplace incident. These are some of the types of assessments Dr. Malak completes, and some that are beyond her scope include thorough psychoeducational, forensic, and neuropsychological evaluations. Call or email Dr. Malak to ensure your assessment needs align with her specialties. She will refer you to more appropriate psychologists if needed.
$250 per hour plus the wholesale cost of assessment materials usually amounting to about $1500-$2500 per evaluation
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Using individualized and evidenced-based mental health care, Malak Psychology supports you as the unique being the universe made you to be.